Scrubs – Series Quotes [Season 3, Episode 15]

2001 – 2010
«I'm No Superman»
Drama, Comedy

In the unreal world of Sacred Heart Hospital, intern John "J.D." Dorian learns the ways of medicine, friendship and life.

— A few quick things: Don't talk while I'm talking, never utter the phrase «It's Miller time», and I don't like the smell of cologne in my operating room. Now, I'd like to take a minute to listen to any questions or comments that any of you might have, and then after this minute I never want to hear from any of you ever, ever, ever again. Anyone?
— Uh... I'm allergic to shellfish...?

- A few quick things: Don't talk while I'm talking, never utter the phrase «It's Miller time», and I don't like the smell of cologne in my operating room. Now, I'd like to take a minute to listen to any questions or comments that any of you might have, and then after this minute I never want to hear from any of you ever, ever, ever again. Anyone?
- Uh...I'm allergic to shellfish...?
- A few quick things: Don't talk while I'm talking, never utter the phrase «It's Miller time», and I don't like the smell of cologne in my operating room. Now, I'd like to take a minute to listen to any questions or comments that any of you might have, and then after this minute I never want to hear from any of you ever, ever, ever again. Anyone?
- Uh...I'm allergic to shellfish...?
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