Scrubs – Series Quotes [Season 2]

2001 – 2010
«I'm No Superman»
Drama, Comedy

In the unreal world of Sacred Heart Hospital, intern John "J.D." Dorian learns the ways of medicine, friendship and life.

— OK. I'm Dr Cox. This is my Gal Friday. She'll help me to take care of you. But before we get underway, we need you to ease up on the yakety-yak.
— Drop the macho act now. They're gone.
— Act-schmact. The lips stay zipped.
— Zipped-schmipped. I thought we were riffing.
— We're not.
— Well, aren't you delicious? If I were 20 years younger and tipsy, this might be your lucky day.
— Careful there, sweetcheeks. I haven't decided which way to take your temperature yet.

- OK. I'm Dr Cox. This is my Gal Friday. She'll help me to take care of you. But before we get underway, we need you to ease up on the yakety-yak.
- Drop the macho act now. They're gone.
- Act-schmact. The lips stay zipped.
- Zipped-schmipped. I thought we were riffing.
- We're not.
- Well, aren't you delicious? If I were 20 years younger and tipsy, this might be your lucky day.
- Careful there, sweetcheeks. I haven't decided which way to take your temperature yet.
- OK. I'm Dr Cox. This is my Gal Friday. She'll help me to take care of you. But before we get underway, we need you to ease up on the yakety-yak.
- Drop the macho act now. They're gone.
- Act-schmact. The lips stay zipped.
- Zipped-schmipped. I thought we were riffing.
- We're not.
- Well, aren't you delicious? If I were 20 years younger and tipsy, this might be your lucky day.
- Careful there, sweetcheeks. I haven't decided which way to take your temperature yet.
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