Some Like It Hot – Movie Quotes

Some Like It Hot
«Marilyn Monroe and her bosom companions»
Comedy, Crime, Melodrama

After two male musicians witness a mob hit, they flee the state in an all-female band disguised as women, but further complications set in.

— We can't get married at all.
— Why not?
— Well, in the first place, I'm not a natural blonde.
— Doesn't matter.
— I smoke. I smoke all the time.
— I don't care.
— Well, I have a terrible past. For three years now, I've been living with a saxophone player.
— I forgive you.
— I can never have children.
— We can adopt some.
— But you don't understand, Osgood. Uh, I'm a man.
— Well, nobody's perfect.

- We can't get married at all.
- Why not?
- Well, in the first place, I'm not a natural blonde.
- Doesn't matter.
- I smoke. I smoke all the time.
- I don't care.
- Well, I have a terrible past. For three years now, I've been living with a saxophone player.
- I forgive you.
- I can never have children.
- We can adopt some.
- But you don't understand, Osgood. Uh, I'm a man.
- Well, nobody's perfect.
- We can't get married at all.
- Why not?
- Well, in the first place, I'm not a natural blonde.
- Doesn't matter.
- I smoke. I smoke all the time.
- I don't care.
- Well, I have a terrible past. For three years now, I've been living with a saxophone player.
- I forgive you.
- I can never have children.
- We can adopt some.
- But you don't understand, Osgood. Uh, I'm a man.
- Well, nobody's perfect.
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