Overboard – Movie Quotes

«From opulence... to rags... to love.»
Comedy, Melodrama

A cruel but beautiful heiress mocks and cheats a hired carpenter. When she gets amnesia after an accident, he decides to introduce her to regular life by convincing her they're husband and wife.

— «Andrew! I seem to have lost my ruby earrings somewhere between... 64th... and 68th Streets. Find them!»
— I've behaved so badly. I don't know how you put up with me for so long. You've done so many wonderful things for me and I've never even once said thank you. I'm sorry.
— Apology accepted, ma'am.

- «Andrew! I seem to have lost my ruby earrings somewhere between... 64th... and 68th Streets. Find them!»
- I've behaved so badly. I don't know how you put up with me for so long. You've done so many wonderful things for me and I've never even once said thank you. I'm sorry.
- Apology accepted, ma'am.
- «Andrew! I seem to have lost my ruby earrings somewhere between... 64th... and 68th Streets. Find them!»
- I've behaved so badly. I don't know how you put up with me for so long. You've done so many wonderful things for me and I've never even once said thank you. I'm sorry.
- Apology accepted, ma'am.
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