Mycroft Holmes – Character Quotes


— What are you doing here?
— As ever, I'm concerned about you.
— Yes, I've been hearing about your "concern".
— Always so aggressive. Did it never occur to you that you and I belong on the same side?
— Oddly enough... No.
— We have more in common than you'd like to believe. This petty feud between us is simply childish. People will suffer. And you know how it always upset Mummy.
— I upset her? Me? It wasn't me that upset her, Mycroft.
— No. No, wait... Mummy? Who's Mummy?
Mother. Our mother. This is my brother, Mycroft.

— Appointment in Samarra.
— I'm sorry?
— The merchant who can't outrun Death. You always hated that story as a child. Less keen on predestination back then.
— I'm not sure I like it now.
— You wrote your own version, as I remember. Appointment in Sumatra. The merchant goes to a different city, and is perfectly fine.
Good night, Mycroft.
— Then he becomes a pirate, for some reason.

— There is, in this facility, a prisoner whose intellectual abilities are of occasional use to the British government.
— What, for, like, really difficult sums, long division, that sort of thing?
She predicted the exact dates of the last three terrorists attacks on the British mainland after an hour on Twitter. That sort of thing.

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