Malcolm Crowe – Character Quotes

Malcolm Crowe
Quoted in: 

β€” We were supposed to draw a picture. Anything we wanted... I drew a man. He got hurt in the neck by another man with a screwdriver.
β€” You saw that on T. V., Cole?
β€” Everybody got upset. They had a meeting. Momma started crying. I don't draw like that anymore.
β€” How do you draw now?
β€” I draw people with smiles, dogs running, and rainbows. They don't have meetings about rainbows.

β€” Once upon a time there was a prince, who was being driven around... He drove around for a long, long time... Driving and driving... It was a long trip... He fell asleep... When he woke up, they were still driving... The long drive went on--
β€” Dr. Crowe. You haven't told bedtime stories before?
β€” No.
β€” You have to add some twists and stuff. Maybe they run out of gas.