Alexander Supertramp – Character Quotes

Quoted in: 

The sea's onIy gifts are harsh bIows and, occasionaIIy, the chance to feeI strong. Now, I don't know much about the sea, but l do know that that's the way it is here. And l also know how important it is in Iife not necessariIy to be strong, but to feeI strong,
to measure yourseIf at Ieast once, to find yourseIf at Ieast once in the most ancient of human conditions, facing the bIind, deaf stone aIone with nothing to heIp you but your hands and your own head.

— Yeah, Alex could have a vehicle as well, but he decided to burn all of his money.
— And why did you do that?
— l don't need money. Makes people cautious.
— Come on, Alex. You gotta be a little cautious. l mean, that book of yours is cool and everything, but you can't depend entirely on leaves and berries.
— l don't know if you want to depend on much more than that.