Informative quotes

— Is there any possibility... I don't know... Some kind of way we can maybe all jump in a black hole? Gain back the years? Don't shake your head at me!
Time is relative, okay? It can stretch and it can squeeze, but it can't run backwards. It just can't. The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity.
— Okay.
— The beings that led us here, they communicate through gravity, right?
— Yes.
— Could they be talking to us from the future?
— Maybe.
— Okay. If they can...
— "They" are beings of five dimensions. To them, time might be another physical dimension. To them, the past might be a canyon that they can climb into
and the future, a mountain they can climb up. But to us, it's not, okay?

— Would you tell us from your own experience... the position of the judge in Germany prior to the advent of Adolf Hitler.
— The position of the judge was one of complete independence.
— Now, would you describe the contrast, if any after the coming to power of National Socialism in 1933?
— Judges became subject to something outside of objective justice. They became subject to what was necessary for the protection of the country. <...> The first consideration of the judge... became the punishment of acts rather than objective consideration of the case.

When you look at something that you really rather not do, it seems that you activate the areas of your brain associated with pain. Your brain, naturally enough, looks for a way to stop that negative stimulation by switching your attention to something else. But here's the trick. Researchers discovered that not long after people might start actually working out what they didn't like, that neurodiscomfort disappeared.

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